Saturday, July 28, 2012

Karoliina's latest news

Hey there!

These past few days have been a bit busy which is a good thing in my opinion. Also Meripäivät started on Thursday in Kotka, one of the biggest events here. As always it is the same every year, lots of drunk people and trash all over the place. I don't think I will ever get used to the fact that people intentionally want to get drunk. In Greece it isn't cool as it is here.
Anyway people have the right to do whatever they want, I am not here to judge anybody.
Also today we celebrated my grandparent's 60th anniversary. I can't imagine what it's like being with somebody for 60 years! They are happy to be together which is the main point  :)

Here are some pictures of these past few days.


I have to start eating healthier now. These past few months I have been eating and eating all the time. It's about time to make a change.

Goodnight everybody


Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Exciting news!

Hola amigos!

As my title says it is obvious that I have exciting news! I finally booked my ticket to Barcelona this morning! I am leaving in two months which seems like a long time, but at least I have enough time to get ready :P
I also bought a new suitcase hihi. It just feels unreal. I have been waiting so long for this and I can't believe that in two months I am really going to be there. I am happy and terrified the same time. This is something totally new for me and I don't know how to deal with all this. When I moved to Finland I had family here and I knew the language which was really helpfull. Now I don't know anybody there and I don't speak the language very well so it is going to be a bit challenging. I am so ready for new adventures though and I want to get to know the Spanish culture and language of course.

What a great day! Also at work we had this new emploee and guess what! Hes was half Greek as well...haha. I had no idea and when I told him that I am from Greece he started talking in Greek and I was like...what is going on! I got so excited ( maybe too excited ) that I probably scared the hell out of him. Hups...
It was nice to speak in Greek again. Being surrounded by Finnish people all the time I have forgotten what it's like to talk in Greek with other people. 

That was it for today! :) Here is a song to celebrate the big day :P


Saturday, July 21, 2012

Random stuff...


It feels stupid when I don't have anything to say...Oh well, in nine days I will start driving lessons which terrifies me in a way. I have these weird dreams that I have to drive somewhere and then I crash or I can't stop the car. I don't want to get killed or kill somebody :P
If I ever get my driving license I will be more than happy! :)

Here are some random pictures again...
I just love taking pictures of clouds lately! It might sound a bit weird, but there is something fascinating about them :P

I guess that was it for today! I must thank you for your comments! I never thought I would have so many pageviews hehe :)


Friday, July 20, 2012

Problems and more problems

Hey there!

I have been fighting the whole day to put a new picture on my blog, but for some strange reason I can't make it look they way I want. It is either too big or too small and I can't put it in the annoying. Pretty much this has been one of my biggest problems today... yeah I know it's a bit pathetic.

Anyway  at least work has been going great and I don't make as many mistakes as I used to, plus I helped this new emploee the other day which means that I have actually learned something all this time yey! I am not as useless as I thought hehe :)
I am glad that the people I have been working with have been kind and nice. It's a pitty that I have heard people saying that they haven't been happy with their working environment. Either they have had problems with other emploees or something else. It's sad that people choose to treat other people like shit. After all it is a choice how to treat others. When I was little I always thought that grown ups have never problems with other people because...well they are just grown ups and they know how to communicate and solve problems. It is nothing like that after all! There is still bullying even between grown ups, but people don't want to talk about it because it is thought as something that happens between children or teenagers. It just doesn't make sense why anybody would like to be the "mean" guy of the whole case by treating others badly. Is it a matter of power? Who knows...
Problems never end no matter how old you are after all. I am one of the lucky ones, but I wish I could do something for other people who have these kind of problems at work or at school.

Anyway...maybe I have been thinking too much again.

Going back to my first problem...does anybody know how I can put the title of my blog look like this? Also I have been trying to crop this photo to the right size but when I upload it on here it just looks smaller than it is....super annoying. Also I tried to upload this picture but it also didn't work out very well...

I am just having some technical problems....hoping to solve them soon.

Goodnight everybody!


Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Manhattan's cheesecake


What's up dudes? Hehe...I finally made the blueberry cheesecake I was talking about and it was soooo good! I have no idea where the name comes from, but I had to try it. I must say that making this cheesecake was what I would call " a pain in the ass" because there were so many different layers, but the result was yummy!

Here is what you are going to need:

Step 1: The base
  • 10 spoons of butter
  • 300 gr digestive biscuits

Step 2 : The filling
  • 100gr sugar
  • 400 gr cream cheese
  • 2 eggs
  • a teaspoon of vanilla
Step 3:  Second layer
  • 4,5 dl creme fraiche
  • 40 gr sugar
  • a teaspoon of vanilla
Step 4 : Third layer
  • 4 spoons of water
  • 50 gr sugar
  • 250 gr blueberries
  • a teaspoon of cornstarch 

I tried to make this look a bit more simple, but maybe I got too excited again! A tip for the last layer...put the blueberry sauce before you serve your cheesecake :)



Sunday, July 15, 2012

Blueberries and Books


I don't have anything exciting to share with you to be honest. Lately I have been obsessed with this book that I haven't been able to focus on anything else. I just love books that make you want to read more and more. They might not be good for your eyebags ( yeah I was reading till two o'clock in the morning again), but who cares!

In case you thought that I haven't been doing anything else besides reading...I went to pick up some blueberries yesterday wohoo! My intention was to make a blueberry cheesecake today, but it started raining and I didn't feel like cycling in the rain so my plans changed and I am going to make it tomorrow yey! :)

 I just started reading this book and I love it! The name of the book in English is The Return. I haven't read that much, but the plot is mostly about the Spanish civil war. When I have read the whole thing I will write about it more specifically.

That was about it of my interesting life so far!  

¡Adiós amigos!


Thursday, July 12, 2012

Roadtrip to IKEA


Wanted some action and we got some action! Today we went to Ikea with Nette wohooo! You can't call it a roadtrip, but it was fun to do something different for a change. Nette had never been to Ikea before so I had to take her there ( okay she was the driver ). It's not the most amazing place ever but it is definately dangerous for your wallet. Let me give you a piece of advice...don't go to Ikea unless you have enough money with you! I tried to keep myself from buying too many things...I ended up buying two towels which is something that I need at the moment :)

So here are some pictures from our little trip :)

 As always I had meatballs and fries...yummy!

This was a good day! Now I am going to grab a book and read something :)


Find myself?

Hello, hello!

I have been thinking all this time the reasons why I made this blog but to be honest I can't find a specific one. People have been asking me "why blogging?" and my answer is just for fun! Does everything in life need to have a deeper meaning? Well, actually now that I think about it I wanted to start blogging to write about my trip to Barcelona that is going to be in October ( still waiting for that...), but I have noticed that through this blog I have learned so many things and I am happy that I started blogging in January and not October.

These past four-five years I have been just trying to find myself without any successful results. A while ago I had this crisis and I started thinking what I want to believe in. My family has very critical views and opinions about some things and at some point I wasn't quite sure if those things were what I really believed or was it because my family believed in these things. I do respect other people's opinions but I want to have my own opinions and see things from a different point of view or more correctly said from MY point of view.

Now that I finished school I want to travel and experience new things! I haven't been able to do that and I haven't seen anything else besides Finland and Greece. I am not in a hurry to go study something. I believe that I have time to do that later. Now I just want to learn, get some more experience and finally live my life! Finding myself isn't important for me anymore...besides I believe that people grow and learn every single day. Maybe I was making it too big of a deal to "find myself"! What does it matter anyways?

Right now I just need my own time and own space. I am more than ready to spread my wings and fly far away! Yeah I am becoming a bit melodramatic so I am going to stop now...

This year is going to be full of surprises and it's a bit scary not knowing exactly what to expect! But maybe that's the fun part of this whole growing up and experience process! :D


Monday, July 9, 2012



I said I would put recipes now that I got my camera fixed! So today I made tuulihattuja or straight translated windhats ( The name in English is cream puff ). I used to make these a lot when I was 13 but I had a long break ( 5 years ) that I didn't make them. Now I decided to make them again and I am glad I did! :) I made two versions of these...a sweet and a salty version.

So here is what you are going to need!

Step 1: Put the butter and the water in a casserole and warm it up till the butter melts
Step 2: Take the casserole from the stove and add the flour in the mixture
Step 3: Add the eggs one at a time. In the end add the baking powder

I used the städter 14mm to make this shape for my tuulihattu ( click here ). You can also use two spoons and make small balls of the dough. Leave them in the oven for 25-30 minutes ( 200 degrees )depending on the size of your cream puffs. Remember! Do not open the oven til they are ready otherwise there is a chance they will fall flat if you do that. Leave them to cool down.
When they have cooled down cut them in half and fill them.
Here is what you are going to need for the salty tuna filling:
140 gr  tuna
4 spoons  mayonnaise
1 spoon  ketchup
1 spoon mustard
corn ( as much as you like :) )
 Just mix them all together!
For the sweet version I decided to make this blueberry filling! Yummy!
1 dl whipped cream
100 gr cream cheese
icing sugar
100 gr blueberries

Whip the cream and add the cream cheese. Use the icing sugar to sweeten the blueberries a bit ( I didn't use normal sugar because it gets a bit crunchy...if that's even a word ) and add them in the first mixture. Voila!

I recommend you put the filling just before you serve them.

So excited to make this post! :D Hope you like it!


Sunday, July 8, 2012

Let's go for a walk


My niece was here yesterday and she is the cutest little girl ever! She is probably the only child that I like...I am not one of those girls who wants a baby by the age of 20 or go crazy every time they see a baby. I can spend five minutes with a baby in the same room, but more than that becomes a bit stressfull...yeah I am going to be a great mom some day :D

I took some pictures of her, but I can't put any of them on my blog unfortunately. To make it up to are some pictures of the most beautiful park in Kotka (at least in my opinion!) :)



Saturday, July 7, 2012

Audrey Audrey

Hey there!

Here are some movies for the Audrey Tautou theme movie selection hehe. I like the typical romantic comedies which most people hate, but I can't help it!
So first movie to start with is "Beautiful lies" with Audrey Tautou, Nathalie Baye and Sami Bouajila. We went to watch this movie last summer with my mom and we both liked it very much! So the story is about this hairdresser who receives these letters from a guy who is in love with her, but unfortunately she's not into him. The same time her mom is desperate because her husband left her. To cheer up her mom's mood she (the hairdresser) sends the love letters she received to her mom to make her happy again. Her plan works out well until...hups things don't go the way she wanted.
Good movie! Karoliina approves! ;)
Nowhere to Go But Up! I am not sure if that is the name of this movie or Happy End...does anybody know? Anyway...we watched this movie yesterday with my sister and we both had a good laugh at some parts.

So the plot is about this young actress who arrives in New York in hope of becoming a big movie star. There she meets this film writer who hasn't been able to write anything since his wife left him. Suddenly when he sees this girl he gets inspiration and starts writing a story about her which turns out a big success.

To be honest this is the kind of movie where you know what is going to happen. I still liked it even though there were some weird parts.

Only two movies for today! I want to watch Coco Avant Chanel sometime... has anybody seen it to tell me if it's any good? :)


Friday, July 6, 2012

A happy girl! :)

¡Hola a todos!

I got my new camera lens and you can't imagine how happy I am! I couldn't believe how fast they sent it to me. I ordered it through internet yesterday morning and today it was already here...wau! I was sure it was going to take a week or two. In Greece I would have just waited and waited and glad that in Finland these things work so well! :D

At last today was one of the hottest days so far! Finally summer is here! Now that I got my camera I am going to take lots of pictures and put some new recipes on here! My sister's birthday is coming so I am going to bake a cake for her, but I have also some other recipes in mind ;)

Here are some random pictures...I just wanted to try out the new lens. Not bad actually...for a beginner like me it works just fine :)

 Of course what would be a post without a video! You just have to watch this! :D

Goodnight Everybody!
