Monday, January 6, 2014

Going back to Italia

Saying goodbye to Pia and Tess today was really depressing. After two weeks of having them here we had the most hilarious time ever! Now they are heading back to Italia and I will go back to my lame life...mah!
The last few days though we got to make huge food babies (even bigger than before), had some more tsipouro and spent our time the Greek way!
 In Kala Nera
 Fredoccino:  A coffee chocolate ice milk concoction comparable to the tears of angels.
That's how Pia and Tess described it the first time they had it in Santorini and I couldn't agree more!
CAUTION: Super addictive!
Ending our coffee time with the sunset! Could life get any better?
Well, it actually can get better with tsipouro!
According to google:
Tsipouro is a strong distilled spirit containing 40-45% alcohol by volume and is produced from the pomance (the residue of the wine press). It comes in two types: Pure or anise-flavored.

 The best part is the food ( I guess this doesn't surprise anyone anymore!)
 Tsipouro may cause some strange behaviour... this for example.
Now the girls will be in Italy enjoying the pasta and wine buhuhuuuuu.
Maybe it's my chance now to lose those six kilos of this last year. Sounds like a plan!
Arrivederci amici!

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