Cologne was a really great city and on my last night I went to see Bonn for a couple of hours since it was only 20 min away from Cologne. I also spent my last night in a hostel and met an awesome girl from Myanmar with whom I got to spend some time with.
Yesterday though I left Cologne and caught a bla bla car to Amsterdam which was really nice! I got a really nice ride in a really nice car with really nice people...everything was just great! No smelly people or puking dogs this time, yey! We arrived to Amsterdam around three and from there I had to catch the train to Hoorn close to where my friend Maria lives with her boyfriend. Actually she lives in Zwaag but its a really small village so nobody really knows where it is. I am sure my dad has already looked up for it on google maps hehe. How I met Maria is also another make things short we met in Volos through couch surfing and since then we have been keeping in touch! Couch surfing is definitely connecting people :)
The thing that mostly impressed me when I arrive to Holland is the amount of bikes they have here! Its insane really!! How any of these people find their bikes is a miracle to me! Also on the train to Hoorn I was amazed of how flat everyhting is, not to mention that there are little canals everywhere ( everywhere! ). This country is so weird that I freaking love it already and I have been here for a day so far. Also I have been lucky because the weather has been so great. It was around to twenty degrees when I was in Cologne and here it has been also very warm and sunny (hallelujah!!). Maria also borrowed a bike for me so we could cycle around the city which was a great idea. We got a bit lost on the way from Zwaag to Hoorn but that can happen to anybody. We did stop many times on the way and people got a bit upset since they wanted to get through, but who can get mad to two little women who have no idea where they are going? Either way, eventually we arrived 45 minutes later which should have taken 15 minutes and met up with Marias friend for a coffee. On the way back home I got to take some cool pictures and now here I am sitting and being lazy!
Tomorrow we are planning to go to Amsterdam and have a busy day doing random things there so that shouldnt be too bad!
How cool is to live in Zwaag :D I bet they also have nice swag!