Friday, June 14, 2013

Mission: Keep myself busy

Hello there!

I can't believe that I haven't written anything on this blog for such a long time. I can't say that I have been extremely busy but I needed some time on my own.

I think coming back to Finland was harder than I thought in the beginning. Now that I have had some time to figure out things and think of my life here I am not going to complain about anything anymore. Work isn't so bad after all and I get to see my friends and family here which is good! I am going to use my time the best way possible. I already lent some books from the library and I think I am going to start knitting another pair of socks just to get ready for the winter :D mmm...maybe I will knit two pairs if I am fast enough! I also started playing the flute again and I am happy about that because I had forgotten my flute somewhere for ages...hupsy!

Maybe this isn't going to be as bad as I thought...I actually enjoy more and more being here. I just needed some time on my own to calm down.

So the solution to my problem is to look ahead and keep myself busy!



  1. Karoliina, olet myös milloin vain tervetullut meille tänne Hankoon! Hyviä yöunia emme voi sinulle täällä taata, mutta huippuseuraa sitäkin enemmän :):) Meillä ei ole juurikaan suunnitelmia koko kesälle, paitsi heinäkuun ekalla viikolla olemme toivottavasti Joensuussa. Muita aikatauluja voimme sumplia. Ja tietysti on Helsinki-keikat Onnin takia, niitä emme voi myöskään sumplia, mutta muuten, tule anytime!
    Rakkain terkuin Katri, Topi, Ilona ja Onni

    1. Kiitos! Olis tosi kiva nähdä teitä kaikkia pitkästä aikaa! Katsotaan vielä miten mun työt menee niin ehkäpä voitais sumplia jotain nyt kun kerran olen täällä :D
